Chelsea and Owen

This is one of my friends, Chelsea - the brainchild behind Make + Master. She basically does it all...entrepreneur, mom, friend, wife, and general bad a** boss lady. This shoot was a last minute thing; she wanted to get a few pics in the space before they moved out of their first house in Draper, but not to fret, they'll be on to bigger and better things. 

I was going to title this post the Scanlan Family, but Jay was busy moving things out - this was literally their last day in the it's basically Chelsea and Owen. Next time, Jay! haha. 



This is Jordan and she's a gem of a human and the daughter of my current friend and former coworker, Kristi. What I love about Jordan: She is empathetic, kind, smart and loving. She is comfortable in her own skin and not afraid to be herself. She graduates high school this year and the future is bright as the sun for her. Here's a quick word of advice though, baby girl - don't waste your youth growing've got plenty of time for that later. 
